Iphone yeta by whitesatan updates

iPhoneYeta 4G fixed win 7 64bit
  • iPhoneYeta 4G is out.
  • Requirements: iPhoneYeta 4E full setup
  • iPhoneYeta 4G update is fixed windows 7 32bits and 64bits users..
  • Barrel was updated to 1.5.9-2, ColorKeyboard updated to 1.1.9-2
  • New features are:
  • Can remove AndroidLock
  • Can remove Panda Space from iPhone PC Suite.
  • Can remove cydia (Note: this feature is use when you failed to install cydia from greenpois0n loader ios version 4.2.1 or 4.1)
  • Special thanks to Rodbautis , Scion and Amir from Pakistan to test this released from windows 7 64bit
Regards :

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